Saturday 9 March 2013

Wet Wet Wet

Despite the weather turning much milder this week, other commitments have made it difficult to get the trap out. On Thursday night however I was at home and ready to go. Problem was the rain, which was persistent and heavy. I usually avoid trapping in the rain, if nothing else to prevent soggy eggbox syndrome. However, I know that Graham sometimes gets good catches when it is raining - perhaps moths cope with it better than humans! So out went the trap.

And I caught some moths - four in total. Not a significant catch, but probably my best of what has been a cold year so far. My haul was a Satellite, two Dotted Borders and a Tortricoides alternalla. The usual suspects then, but a worthwhile effort.

In his previous post Graham talked about the different colours of the 'planet' and the 'satellites' on his Satellite. My Satellite last night was one of the variety when the colours of the 'planet' and 'satellites' are the same. See if you can spot the difference.


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